This 48-hour course prepares the student to perform routine electrocardiograms. These readings assist the physician to diagnose irregularities or changes in a patient’s heart. Students will be trained to recognize normal and abnormal rhythms, document rhythm strips to provide reliable test results for the physician’s interpretation, administer the EKG, and operate the electrocardiograph machine.
Note: Some businesses may not hire individuals under 18 years old and without a High School Diploma/GED equivalency.
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Admission Requirements
- Complete, submit and agree to terms in the “Class Registration Form” and this Program Bulletin.
- Must be at least 17 years old. If under 18, parents must sign the registration form.
Tuition, Books and Fees
- $50 – Non-refundable Registration Fee (due at time of admission, transferable one time)
- $900 – Tuition
- $105 – Textbook (may be purchased at the school)
TOTAL: $1,055
Certfication Fees
- $105 – AAH National Certification (payable to AAH after last day of class)
Payment Plans / Financial Assistance
Tuition is due before class begins. Students desiring a payment plan may pay before class begins a 2% of tuition fee & 50% of their tuition and lab fee; and the remaining balance midway through class. Please contact the admissions office for more information on Payment Plans and financial assistance.
Required Text
Aehlert: ECG Made Easy Text with Pocket Reference 7th Edition